NSWC Public

Food Order & Pick Up Program

Dear Members,

On behalf of the entire NSWC team, we are hoping all of you and your families are remaining safe and healthy during this extremely challenging time.  Understanding that it is difficult to provide services to our Members when the Club remains closed, we are excited to launch our Food Order & Pick Up Menu of prepared soups, sauces and food options for you and your families. We hope that offering this service will provide your family with some ease when it comes to grocery shopping and preparing meals in your household.

All of these items will be prepared in the Club’s kitchen ensuring the safest food handling procedures in preparation as well as providing a work space where all employees remain safe distances apart from one another. We continue to follow the latest guidelines as stated by local, provincial and federal health authorities

Click HERE to view Pick Up Menu. Ordering and pick up details are below:

Ordering Details:

Pick Up Details:

We hope you enjoy your order!

Please stay safe and healthy and we can’t wait to see you all soon.

Thank you

NSWC Management