Renata Smidova


Brian Tracey once said: “Become the community leader that people would follow voluntarily: even if you had no title or position.”

I have endeavored to live my life by these words, both personally and professionally. Life is a journey that never stops teaching us. Life is constantly evolving. I believe that it is how we cope. challenge and learn from it, is what defines us. I am of the opinion that we all have a duty to use our journey to enrich our lives personally and professionally, as well as the lives of our families and our communities.

I draw on my experiences as a child in Europe, as an adult in Canada, and when having to start up my professional career again in nursing. As a young adult, UNESCO army graduate and immigrant, I learned to facilitate various situations for my own survival. I have been a registered nurse, clinical educator and healthcare leader with Fraser Health for over 20 years. All of my unique experiences brought with them a different set of challenges and solutions that were instrumental in my development and shapes who I am today. All of my successes are related to these important factors; curiosity, strong work ethic, passion for human kind and my community.

I am an active and proud NSWC member, volunteer, hockey mom and tennis player.  As a Director on the NSWC Board, I will draw from 20 years of professional leadership and family centered approach to create meaningful opportunities for each and every single member of our NSWC community. I will work collaboratively, as well as, be part of a network of like-minded professionals who aspire to make NSWC better for all of us.

I look forward to fulfilling my commitment towards the club strategies, goals and commitments through the NSWC Board of Directors platform in order to continue my lifelong journey to learn.