BC Covid-19 Restriction Changes Effective March 30, 2021

Hello Members,
Below is some important information regarding some changes to Club operations effective Tuesday March 30, 2021. These changes are provincial orders that must be followed to slow down and stop the spread of the Covid-19 virus that has escalated over the past weeks in BC.
We ask that all members read and understand the importance of following all health orders put out by our provincial health officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, so we can continue to keep our doors open and our Club operating, even under these new restrictions.
Regulation: Restaurants, pubs, bars and food courts are closed for indoor dining until April 19 at 11:59 pm. Outdoor patio seating and take-out or delivery is allowed.
NSWC Changes: Opening Hours/Operating information for Take Out & Outdoor Dining
- Mon – Sun: 10am – 8pm. (closing hours may be adjusted depending on weather conditions and member demand).
- Seating will be available on the Tiki Deck. We ask that you refrain from going to the Tiki Hut to order but take a seat and one of the lounge staff will come to you.
- The cafe will be open for take-out orders. You can order by going into the cafe or we ask that you download the app and order on line. Please see instructions on how to do this HERE.
- We are currently working hard to get the Tiki ready for service as soon as possible.
Regulation: Indoor low intensity group exercise is prohibited. These include: yoga, pilates, stretching, tai-chi, barre classes, and low intensity cardio or weightlifting.
Gyms and recreation facilities that offer individual workouts and personal training sessions can remain open as long as they have a COVID-19 Safety Plan that is strictly followed.
NSWC Changes:
- We will continue allowing personal training as well as our reservation system for sign up in the fitness areas. We ask that masks are worn at all times EXCEPT when in your work out area or on a machine. Please put your mask on when walking within the HPTC or gym areas.
- There were no new regulations for how we are currently operating these two sports, for either youth or adults. No changes will be implemented at this time.
Again, we ask all members to follow all Club and provincial health orders at all times while in and out of the Club so we can remain a safe place for our members and staff.
Click HERE for more information regarding the current Covid-19 restrictions in the province.
Thank you
NSWC Management